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Half pictures, half words. I'm living in Chicago for the semester and want to document what happens. I'm a junior in college, art major, relentless dabbler.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

This week in my life..

This week's classes were really great. We started off Monday with a poetry workshop with a real life poet, cin Salach. It was the most nurturing poetry experience I have ever had. I should note that all previous experience spanned traumatic middle school haikus, this was much, much better. It was actually fun! I am a visually creative as apposed to words creative person for the most part and this exercise was great for getting me out of my comfort zone in terms of expressing myself.
Wednesday was improv day. We went to IO (Improv Olympics) for their 11 o'clock show and it was hi-lar-i-ous. We are still cracking jokes about it. IO is in Wrigleyville in this great little intimate space where you can hear everyone's laughs separately all at once. I can't even imagine how fast their brains function to be able to have an entire conversation (a funny one) from no prompts, script, anything. So So mind blowing when you stop laughing for a second and think about it.
Tonight I'm going to an Irish punk show..we'll see how it goes because I have no clue what it'll be like! I'm excited!
Here are some pictures from the week..

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